Agile Project Management

In the project management world, the Project Manager is the one in charge. The one that created the plans and make the decisions. In short, he or she is the king… In the world of Scrum, there is no Project Manager. There are just 3 roles, and the focus is teamwork. Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur…

The man who ruled the world

Something that we all have to deal with from time to time, is co-workers that we just dont get along with. This is something we can deal with in various ways, but through my observations from many different teams over the years, I have seen that whenever this happens, people often choose the option of avoiding eachother, and…

Team assesment

I hate surveys…Really, I hate them with a passion. To be a bit more nuanced about it – I see how surveys sometimes can make sense. But in my humble opinion – surveys are often just a reflection that management are not doing their job. Sometimes the questions that are asked and the information that is collected, often appears to…

The importance of Stable Teams

The importance of Stable Teams One of the most valuable things we can do for any Software development organisation trying to focus on teamwork, is actually to create an organizational structure that enables stable teams. This means permanent, lasting teams; not teams where members are taken away from the teams whenever there is yet another important…